Opening Hours
Start time
All pupils should arrive between 8:30-8:40 am.
Registration is taken between 8:40 and 8.50 am.
Rec, Y1,Y2 to arrive via the bottom gates by pre-school.
Y3,4,5,6 to arrive via the top gates by the school office
Finish time
All classes finish at 3.10pm and parents will collect their children from the classroom doors.
Children typically spend 6 hours and 30 minutes in school each day (32.5 hours per week)
Other information:
Only pupils in years 5 & 6 with parent permission may arrive and/ or leave on their own, everyone else must be accompanied by an adult. Pupils will only be released at the end of the day to adults on their contact sheet.
We also run breakfast and after school provision, Details of times and cost can be found on our website or on request at the school office.