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Pre-School opening hours, funding and fees

Pre-School’s hours, funding and fees:

The pre-school is open Monday to Friday 09:00am until 15:00pm, 38 weeks of the year, term time only.

We offer a morning session 09:00-12:00 (which includes lunch), an afternoon session 12:00-15:00 or a full day session 09:00-15:00. You can choose which sessions you’d prefer or have a mixture*.

*Depending on availability.

Due to the school academic year being 39 weeks a year, it may result in a shortfall of funding. If this happens, you can either pay for the extra hours or your child can have the time off. We will notify you termly if this happens to your child.

All children aged three will be entitled to 15 funded hours per week from the government, from the term after their third birthday.

Some children aged three may be entitled to 30 funded hours per week from the government, from the term after their third birthday. You can find out further information and if you’re eligible for 30 hour funding at

Some children aged two may be entitled to 15 funded hours per week from the government, from the term after their second birthday.

A child born on or between these dates:

Will be eligible for funding from:

1st April to 31st August

1st September following their 2nd or 3rd birthday.

1st September to 31st December

1st January following their 2nd or 3rd birthday.

1st January to 31st March

1st April following their 2nd or 3rd birthday.



All funded sessions must be pre-booked at the beginning of each term; this means we can cater for each session with certainty; these sessions will not be subject to change and parents will be expected to complete and sign a parental agreement at the beginning of each term.

We require any additional sessions to be paid in advance by the last working day of the month before, e.g. February fee’s to be paid by last working day in January. Sessions will be uploaded to your ScoPay account and payment can be made via ScoPay.

If you have booked additional unfunded sessions, you will be required to pay for these regardless of holiday or sickness.

If you wish to reduce additional unfunded sessions, you need to provide written notice of one month to pre-school.

If you require additional sessions for your child over and above your 15 funded hours, you will need to pay the following fees:


2 year old rate:

3 year old rate:

Per hour:

£6.50 per hour

£6.00 per hour

Morning session 09:00 – 12:00 (including lunch).

£19.50 per session

£18.00 per session

Afternoon session 12:00 – 15:00 (lunch to be had prior to attending).

£19.50 per session

£18.00 per session

Full day 09:00 – 15:00

£39 per day

£36.00 per day

Other fees charged at pre-school

Snack (monthly)

£3.00 per month

Sun cream

£3.00 per academic year

School dinners

£3.00 per dinner*


Haylands Pre-School provides free fruit, milk and water for our morning snack, we use the snack money for additional snacks such as croissants, pitta bread, crumpets, cheese, breadsticks, crackers etc. We also use this money to provide cooking activities to the children weekly and special occasions that we may need to purchase additional eating resources e.g. pancakes for Pancake Day.

*School dinners are only currently available on a Friday, these must be booked and paid in advance for the term ahead. You will be contacted if your child attends pre-school on Friday and given the option to book.

We reserve the right to refuse to provide further paid sessions until outstanding bills have been paid.